Giant Banyan Tree Overview

Discover the legendary Giant Banyan Tree in Gesing village, Bali, a symbol of Balinese culture and protection. Over 700 years old, its sprawling roots shelter locals and harbor ancient spirits. Adventurers marvel at its intricate root maze. According to folklore, it hid locals from Dutch occupiers. Visitors flock to make wishes, believing they'll come true. Located in Munduk, Buleleng, access via Gesing village, promising a mystical journey.

Bali is a land of spiritual beliefs and legends that have been passing down from generations to generations with little digressions. Those legends are the fulcrum of the sturdy culture and traditional aspects of Balinese life. A part of such a legend is the Giant Banyan tree, a popular attraction that you can witness on your Bali trip, and is located in the village of Gesing. Although, Bali has countless banyan trees with firm roots, this particular one has more importance and stories to share.

Highlights: The big banyan trees is about 700 years old with long and thick roots all over around it standing as a huge protector of the land as the people believe. The gigantic tree possesses spirits and these spirits protect the local people, the legend withstood deviations. Adventure lovers would be freaked out to see the labyrinthine root structure the tree has. You have to exert a decent amount of effort to explore the tree and its uneasy roots.

The Balinese people still believe that the locals were not caught by the Dutch during the occupation as they were hiding inside this big banyan tree and the spirits in the tree made all the locals invisible and thus Dutch went away in desperation. Yet another reason why the tree pulls crowd is that there is a saying that if you wish anything before the tree, it will come true. Does it sound exciting?

Location: Munduk, Banjar, Buleleng, Bali. From Munduk, you have to take the road to the village of Gessing that lies about 5 kms away. From Gessing, you can check the sign boards and follow the track leading to the giant Banyan tree.

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