Wat Intharawihan Overview

Wat Intharawihan, a hidden gem in Bangkok, stands tall as one of the city's most captivating temples. A soaring 32­metres high standing Buddha is what defines Wat Intharawihan, which borders Wisut Kasat road at the northern edge of Banglamphu. Known as the Luangpor Toh, building on this statue, built of brick and stucco, began in 1867 during the reign of King Rama IV. Decorated in glass mosaics and 24­carat gold, it took over 60 years to complete and is the tallest of its kind in the world. The Ubosot was built towards the end of the Ayutthaya period, and has several interesting Buddha images, elevated murals on the walls and lavishly gilded window shutters. Outside are unusually carved sema stones and tucked away in an alcove there's a lifelike model of Luang Phaw Toh, a famous monk. In the small museum are old Buddha images and various paintings.

The towering golden statue, known as Luang Pho To, mesmerizes visitors with its intricate details and spiritual ambiance. As you explore Bangkok, ensure your Thailand trip package includes a visit to Wat Intharawihan for a unique blend of architectural splendor and religious significance. The temple provides a tranquil escape from the bustling city life, allowing travelers to absorb the spiritual energy and marvel at the beauty of Thai craftsmanship. Embrace the cultural tapestry of Thailand with a stop at Wat Intharawihan on your unforgettable journey.

Location: 114 Wisut Kasat Road, Banglamphu, Old City (Rattanakosin)

Timings: 08:30 Am to 20:00 Pm

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