Old Quarter Overview

Old Quarter in Vietnam is an iconic district known for its narrow lanes, bustling markets, and ancient temples situated in every nook and corner. When exploring its busy street, get ready to indulge in mouth-melting street food and immerse yourself in the rich history and culture that will leave all travelers awe-struck! 

The old quarter of Hanoi, Vietnam, is a bustling and vibrant district brimming with culture, charm, and rich history. This historical area is known for its traditional architecture and exceptional layout, dating back to several thousand years! Each street is known for a particular product or a craft, which ranges from jewelry and silk to olden medicine to authentic street food. Wandering through the maze-like alleyways, visitors can immerse themselves in the sights, sounds, and smells of authentic Vietnamese life. 

Explore the bustling markets, where vendors hawk their wares from colorful stalls overflowing with fruits, vegetables, spices, and souvenirs. Witness the chaotic but captivating ballet of motorbikes weaving through the crowded streets alongside cyclos and pedestrians. The place is lined by several historical landmarks, such as the ancient Bach Ma Temple, dedicated to the legendary white horse, and the largest covered market in Hanoi, Dong Xuan Market. No matter whether you are a fan of delicious meals or vibrant street life, the Old Quarter Vietnam promises an exceptional experience! For an unforgettable adventure, consider a Vietnam tour to explore all these attractions.


• Visit one of the city's oldest temples, steeped in legend and adorned with intricate wood carvings.
• Experience Hanoi's nightlife on this lively street known for its bustling beer gardens and street food stalls.
• Wander through the vibrant weekend market, offering a variety of goods, street performances, and culinary delights.
• Stroll through the maze-like alleyways to discover hidden gems, traditional architecture, and glimpses of daily life in the Old Quarter.
• Explore Hanoi's largest covered market for a sensory experience of local goods and street food.

How To Reach

1. By car: Old Quarter Vietnam is located around 2.5 km, which takes around 13 minutes via the P. Phủ Doãn. 

2. By foot: Old Quarter Vietnam is located around 2 km which takes around 28 minutes via the P. Quán Sứ.

Best Time To Visit

Old Quarter Vietnam remains open all through the year. 

1. Best season: Winters are the best time to explore Old Quarter Vietnam. You may also plan between August and September. 

2. Best day in the week: Plan your visit to Old Quarter Vietnam during the weekends. 

3. The best time of the day: Visit the Old Quarter at around 10 AM or 2:00 PM. You may visit the Old Quarter at around 5:00 PM.

Other Essential Information

1. Visiting the Old Quarter means navigating through uneven terrains and narrow streets. Thus, you must wear comfortable and sturdy shoes. 

2. Practice your bargaining skills at the markets to snag the best deals on souvenirs, clothing, and street food.

3. Carry a water bottle to stay hydrated while exploring the bustling streets and markets, especially in the hot and humid weather.

4. Be mindful of motorbikes and other vehicles while crossing the streets, and use caution when exploring busy intersections.

5. Indulge in the delicious street food offerings but choose stalls with high turnover to ensure freshness and cleanliness.

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Point of Interest for Old Quarter
Explore the Dong Xuan Market

Explore the Dong Xuan Market

Dong Xuan Market stands as one of the oldest and largest covered markets in Hanoi, offering a sensory overload for visitors. Located at the northern edge of the Old Quarter, this bustling market is a hive of activity, where locals and tourists alike flock to browse through a myriad of goods.

From clothing, textiles, and electronics to fresh produce, spices, and souvenirs, Dong Xuan Market has it all. The market's vibrant atmosphere, with vendors calling out their wares and the scent of street food wafting through the air, immerses visitors in the lively rhythm of Hanoi's street life. Exploring the labyrinthine aisles of Dong Xuan Market is an experience not to be missed, providing insight into the everyday hustle and bustle of the city.

Pay your visit to Bach Ma Temple

Pay your visit to Bach Ma Temple

Nestled amidst the maze of streets in the Old Quarter is Bach Ma Temple, one of the city's oldest and most revered temples. Legend has it that the temple was built in the 11th century by Emperor Ly Thai To, who sought the blessings of the White Horse God to protect the city.

The temple's architecture reflects a blend of Chinese and Vietnamese influences, with intricate wood carvings and ornate altars dedicated to various deities. Visitors can witness locals paying their respects, burning incense, and offering prayers for good fortune. Bach Ma Temple provides a serene oasis amidst the chaos of the Old Quarter, offering a glimpse into Hanoi's spiritual heritage.

Explore the vibrant Ta Hien Street

Explore the vibrant Ta Hien Street

For those seeking a taste of Hanoi's vibrant nightlife, Ta Hien Street, also known as Beer Street, is the place to be. This lively thoroughfare comes alive in the evenings as rows of plastic stools and tables spill onto the sidewalk, creating makeshift outdoor beer gardens.

Locals and tourists gather here to enjoy cold beers, traditional Vietnamese snacks, and lively conversations late into the night. Ta Hien Street offers a lively and convivial atmosphere where visitors can immerse themselves in the social fabric of Hanoi, sharing drinks and stories with newfound friends. Whether you're looking for a casual drink or a memorable night out, Beer Street has something for everyone.

Stroll through Hanoi Night Market

Stroll through Hanoi Night Market

On weekends, the streets around the Old Quarter transform into a vibrant pedestrian zone for the Hanoi Night Market. Stretching from Hang Dao Street to Dong Xuan Market, this bustling market offers a diverse array of goods, street food, and entertainment. Visitors can browse through stalls selling clothing, accessories, handicrafts, and souvenirs while sampling delicious local snacks like Vietnamese sandwiches and fresh spring rolls.

The market's lively atmosphere, with street performers, traditional music, and colorful lanterns adorning the streets, creates a festive ambiance that attracts crowds of locals and tourists alike. Exploring the Hanoi Night Market is a quintessential experience that captures the energy and vibrancy of the Old Quarter at night.

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