Kronborg Slot Overview
Kronborg Slot stands top on the list of Denmark places to visit. It is a castle located on the ultimate northeastern tip of the Zealand island. Popularly known as the Elsinore Castle of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, this place is an extensive Renaissance masterpiece. The green-copper flèche surpasses this fortress, encircled by fortifications, moats, and sturdy Rubanesque star bartizans.

With a minimal entry fee, one can explore the tapestries, viewpoints, ceiling paintings, and the inner palace’s rooms. It is one of the best experiences to explore creepy tombs and mausoleums. You will witness the imposing stone statue of Holger the Dane hiding deep down under the castle. If you plan to visit Kronborg Slot during the summers, you can relish the live performances of Shakespeare’s greatest plays from Danish and other foreign companies. Due to its magnificence, the place was listed as the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000.

Kronborg 2 C, 3000 Helsingor, Denmark.

Best Time To Visit:
June to August
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