
Boating in Ho Chi Minh

The city that was gained prominence during Vietnam war and has been written about in several books has managed to rise above the ravages of colonial destruction to make a unique identity for itself as one of Vietnam’s largest cities. Besides the lush vegetation and backwaters of the Mekong river, Ho Chi Minh has several attractions like the Reunification Palace, Notre Dame Cathedral, Cao Dai Temple and the famous Cu Chi Tunnels.

To experience the beauty and charm of Saigon every tourist to this city should take out time to see these places. A slow and leisurely boating tour in Ho Chi Minh, will take you along Can Gluon, farms, houses and also to Sao Dai Temple. Speedboat ride on the river and its tributaries towards Cai Be floating market that is surrounded by swaying palm trees and will give first-hand experience of how business is conducted around these villages. The Cu Chi tour gives visitors a glimpse into Vietnam’s wounded past as it includes a detailed tour of the tunnels used by warring groups, ammunition dumps, hidden bunkers, firing ranges and many more.

The iconic tunnels that are more than 100 meters long have recently been renovated with cement and widened to make it easier for tourists, providing an enhanced experience for those on a Vietnam travel packages. The Reunification palace is a reminder of North Vietnam’s final fight for supremacy as the tank which crashed into its gates is still preserved along with another tank. The landmark five storied palace still has several secret rooms and a command bunker along with antique furniture so is used for international meetings and events as it has a helipad on the roof. To experience the mangroves and jungles around the waterways of Saigon, take a boating tour in Ho Chi Minh of the Giant Bat Lagoon and Can Gio forest where you can observe the local flora and fauna from close range.

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