If you are still looking for some exciting place to visit in Vietnam then this is definitely the best option for you. Vĩnh Nghiêm Pagoda is a pagoda in a range of 6,000 square metres. This is the main pagoda in Vietnam to be inherent Vietnamese customary engineering style however with cement. Two Vietnamese ministers, Thich Tam Giac and Thich Thanh Kiem, initially conceptualized fabricating a substantial Buddhist focus in Southern Vietnam.
Highlights: In 1964, when friars Thich Tam Giac and Thich Thanh Kiem from the North came there to spread Buddhism, Vinh Nghiem Pagoda was begun building taking after the plan of the planner Nguyen Ba Lang, in view of the model and namesake of the eleventh century Vinh Nghiem Pagoda in Bac Giang Province.
Location: 339 Nam Kỳ Khởi Nghĩa, phường 7, Quận 3, Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam
Price: The entry is free of cost.
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