Çavusin Overview

Cavusin is a village in the Cappadocia region that is divided into two parts - the new village and the old village. The old Greek village of Cavusin is one of the historical Places to visit in Cappadocia. The village is extremely popular for its cave homes that are now deserted after the rock boulders started falling down from the rock.

As you walk up the hill, you can see many cave houses put for sale! The 5th century church of Saint John the Baptist, situated in Cavusin is the key attraction here that looks larger than many others in the region. The frescoes in the walls of the church depict the scenes from the Bible. The views from the church are a treat to the eyes and the cave houses look like miniatures from such heights.


Avanos district, Nevşehir Province, Turkey


1.28 $ | 8 TL


8.00 AM - 6.00 PM Mon - Sun

Best Time to Visit:

April - June; September & October

Cavusin is a village in the Cappadocia region that is divided into two parts - the new village and the old village. The old Greek village of Cavusin is one of the historical Places to visit in Cappadocia. The village is extremely popular for its cave homes that are now deserted after the rock boulders started falling down from the rock.

As you walk up the hill, you can see many cave houses put for sale! The 5th century church of Saint John the Baptist, situated in Cavusin is the key attraction here that looks larger than many others in the region. The frescoes in the walls of the church depict the scenes from the Bible. The views from the church are a treat to the eyes and the cave houses look like miniatures from such heights.

Avanos district, Nevşehir Province, Turkey

1.28 $ | 8 TL

8.00 AM - 6.00 PM Mon - Sun

Best Time to Visit:
April - June; September & October
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