Fort Cornwallis Overview
Fort Cornwallis is tagged as the largest standing fort in the region of Penang and even in Malaysia. This fort is basically a star-shaped bastion which holds superb architecture. Fort Cornwallis was built in 1786 as a defensive structure against the pirates. This fort was rebuilt with bricks and stones to give a stronger foundation. The location of Fort Cornwallis is quite amusing which makes it an attractive tourist spot.

Location: Fort Cornwallis is located on the Northeastern coast of Penang Island, Malaysia.

Highlights: The interior of Fort Cornwallis is very unique. A bronze statue of Captain Francis Light is present at the main entrance. One can explore prison cells, storage areas and barracks. There are numerous bronze cannons which are still preserved in the best of forms.

Best Time: This fort can be visited on any day between 09:00- 18:30.

Price: The ticket price is RM20 for Adults and RM 10 for kids.

Fort Cornwallis is tagged as the largest standing fort in the region of Penang and even in Malaysia. This fort is basically a star-shaped bastion which holds superb architecture. Fort Cornwallis was built in 1786 as a defensive structure against the pirates. This fort was rebuilt with bricks and stones to give a stronger foundation. The location of Fort Cornwallis is quite amusing which makes it an attractive tourist spot.

Location: Fort Cornwallis is located on the Northeastern coast of Penang Island, Malaysia.

Highlights: The interior of Fort Cornwallis is very unique. A bronze statue of Captain Francis Light is present at the main entrance. One can explore prison cells, storage areas and barracks. There are numerous bronze cannons which are still preserved in the best of forms.

Best Time: This fort can be visited on any day between 09:00- 18:30.

Price: The ticket price is RM20 for Adults and RM 10 for kids.

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