Tham Kong Lo Overview
Tham Kong Lo is one of focal Laos', if not the country's, most striking highlights. An adventure into this mysterious underworld resemble a voyage into haziness itself; with 7km of winding waterway, scaling little rapids as it goes through the house of God high limestone hole. A segment of Kong Lo has now been climatically lit, permitting you a more noteworthy look at this epic scene; your longtail docks in a rough delta to permit you to investigate a stalactite wood of frequenting columns and growing stalagmites. Your creative energy will be in overdrive as the vessel takes you facilitate into the bat-dark obscurity – you may compare it to Middle Earth (the lights of different water crafts like Gollum's eyes gulped in the misery) or the Greek Underworld of Hades. Whichever way you won't ever overlook it.

Highlights – Konglor Cave, The Loop, The Town, Tha Falang.

Location - Laos

Best time to visit: November to April
Tham Kong Lo is one of focal Laos', if not the country's, most striking highlights. An adventure into this mysterious underworld resemble a voyage into haziness itself; with 7km of winding waterway, scaling little rapids as it goes through the house of God high limestone hole. A segment of Kong Lo has now been climatically lit, permitting you a more noteworthy look at this epic scene; your longtail docks in a rough delta to permit you to investigate a stalactite wood of frequenting columns and growing stalagmites. Your creative energy will be in overdrive as the vessel takes you facilitate into the bat-dark obscurity – you may compare it to Middle Earth (the lights of different water crafts like Gollum's eyes gulped in the misery) or the Greek Underworld of Hades. Whichever way you won't ever overlook it.

Highlights – Konglor Cave, The Loop, The Town, Tha Falang.

Location - Laos

Best time to visit: November to April
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