Ark Overview
The Ark of Bukhara is the oldest structure of the Bukhara town which was occupied from the 5th century to 1920. The emirs of Bukhara used to reside here and it is a royal town within a town. 80% of the Ark is now in ruins but some of the royal quarters are still standing and have been converted into museums.

It has a Juma (Friday) Mosque with beautifully carved stalactite column heads, former residences of emir’s kushbegi (prime minister). You can also see the Reception and Coronation Court, the oldest surviving part of the Ark.

Location: Afrosiab St, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Timings: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Entry fees: 13,000 UZS

Highlights: Medieval Architecture
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