Bergen Market Square Overview
The best way to explore the city of Bergen is to visit Market Square in the early hours. Wake up at the crack of dawn and rush to the busy quays. There, you will find the local fishermen and the 700-year old Torget, also known as the Fish Market.

The buying and selling of different varieties of fishes and the overall liveliness will depict an accurate picture of everyday life in Bergen. You can also explore the Fish Market, where you will come across shellfish, vegetables, fruits, and different types of fishes.

Moreover, you can shop for handmade crafts as souvenirs from here. The lively colors of the building and the bustling of the people make it one of the most popular places to visit on your Bergen trip.

Location: Grensegrenden 1, 5035 Bergen
Timing: Any time you want (preferably in the morning)
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