
St Petersburg

Experiential journeys will make you a storyteller
About St Petersburg

You know, there’s something about St Petersburg which really gets under your skin. Most people who visit Russia for the first time, spend their time holiday in Moscow. Conclusively, St Petersburg is badly ignored. However, St Petersburg with its incredible lights and colors is just as beautiful as the other cities of Russia.

At present, the city is undergoing massive development in terms of its hedonistic atmosphere and the underground art and music scene. This gives a fine sense that great things are happening all over again here. What’s overwhelming is that, with the constant effort being put in art, culture and tourism, the city today seems to be emerging from the will and shadow of Moscow.  

Built from nothing by the west ward looking, Peter the Great, right from its inception, St Petersburg had one agenda to serve – to be a display of the burgeoning status of Imperial Russia in the world. Over the years, the agenda has been fine tuned by the successors who employed a plethora of European architects who constructed a hoard of cathedrals and palaces to the layout of the city. As a result of this perennial development and re development, St Petersburg took no big time to become the first great and modern city of Russia, a status which it has retained even today. 

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St Petersburg FAQ's

Travel Advice

·         Do not entertain the beggars.

·         Make sure you have at least one proof of your identity.

·         Do not let anyone deceive you. It is always a good idea to gather sufficient information whenever you are traveling to any new destination or location.

·         When getting involved in any adventure sport or water activity, make sure you hire a professional to help you.

·         Never neglect your safety when trying any adventure activity.

·         Do not leave your valuables in the hotel room.

·         Ensure that the hotel you have book has a room safe.

·         Do not book a room in the hotel that is not recognized or known.

·         Do not get involved in any form of drugs.

·         Keep away from the drug peddlers.

·         Educate yourself about some of the instances of local culture and traditions.

·         Learn some of the words from the local cultures and traditions that are prevalent in the region.

·         Carry at least one proof of your identity with you at all times.

·         Do not get involved in any fight or brawl with any of the locals here.

·         Never film or make videos without the necessary permissions.

·         If an area calls for a dress code adhere to it.

·         Do not travel alone in the night hours. 

Drinking Law

The legal age for drinking alcohol is 18 years. 

Our Recommendations: What you can’t afford to miss?

The State Hermitage

Founded in the year 1764, by Catherine the Great, the State Hermitage houses more than 3 million pieces of art in several buildings located across St. Petersburg. The principal museum complex of the State Hermitage on the Palace Square comprises of the 365 rooms in the Winter Palace along with the New Hermitage, Old Hermitage and Small Hermitage all of which were built in the 18th and the 19th centuries. While, you can spend multiple hours, exploring the Dutch, Spanish and Italian masterpieces here, the most important places to see here are the imperial state apartments and rooms. You must also check out the War Gallery of 1812, which has a vast collection of the portraits of the Russian military leaders who defeated the Napolean in the 1812’s Patriotic War.


Situated west of St. Petersburg, Peterhof lies about 29 km from the city. One of the prominent day tours from the city does involve a trip to the imperial estate of Peterhof. The Grand Palace is lavish and extravagant in its own very way however the real highlight of the place here is the Grand Cascade which is a series of over 140 fountains and canals cascading down a hill that lies behind the Grand palace. Beyond the Grand Cascade, you’ll come across finely maintained grounds which include acres of forests, fountains, gazebos along with a couple of smaller places. You can easily spend one entire day here exploring all of these.

Peter and Paul Fortress

One of the most magnificent tourist attraction of St. Petersburg is the Peter and Paul Fortress. The citadel was founded in the year 1703 by Peter the Great. Nestled on an island in the River Neva, when you go venturing the fortress, you must also check out the other attractions here including the Trubetskoy Bastion Prison. It has been one of a kind prison ever since 1917. With captives like Leon Trotsky, Maxim Gorky, and Fyodor Dostoyevsky, this is one attraction you cannot afford to miss. Burial place of most of the Russian tsars, this bell tower is the highest structure of the city. It offers superb 360-degree views of the city.

St. Isaac’s Cathedral

St. Isaac’s Cathedral is one of the tallest Orthodox churches in the world. It has a gold plated dome which rises over 300 feet. You must simply climb the structure to enjoy the commendable views of the city.  Once you pass through the gigantic bronze doors which form the entrance, making it a significant sightseeing attraction. 

What you will like there?

Superb Location

St. Petersburg is situated a mere 1 hour by plane from four European states – Latvia, Finland, Lithuania and Estonia further Moscow is located 1.5 hour from the city and Ukraine, Belarus (Byelorussia) and Moldova lie about 2 hours from the city. You can also reach Helsinki via bus in a mere span of 5 hours with Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius also accessible in the same time period. As a result of this incredible geography, the city has earned a reputation of being the most ideal stopover for holidays for anyone who wishes to visit all the major cities that lie within the Moscow – Baltic – Finland route. Your typical holiday could be like spending day 1, 2 and 3 in Moscow, day 3, 4 and 5 in St. Petersburg finally followed by a day tour to Helsinki from where you can travel to Tallinn or Stockholm by ferry.       


St. Petersburg is a home to imperial stalwarts such as the Hermitage. The streets here offer a glimpse of revolution to the visitors. Timofey Radya is an iconic of the contemporary street art of Russia. This street art reveals the political as well as personal of the city. To view the best of Russian art, you must definitely make a visit to the Petersburg Street Art Museum. For art and history lovers, St. Petersburg is indeed a great tourist attraction. If classical art forms is your thing, you can plan a visit to the Hermitage Museum which displays priceless works by Leonardo, Rembrandt, Rubens and Michelangelo. It is indeed a home to gilded refinement and elegance.   


The "Russian Versailles" also known as the Lower Park is nestled between the sea shore and the Grand Palace. It presents the largest system of fountains and three major cascades. You can spot more than 140 fountains here. The magnificent Grand Cascade can also be found here. It is located directly below the Grand Palace and presents a beautiful golden statue of Samson grasping the lion’s jaws. You can note the diversity of the park in its cascades that include white and black chess board designs along with Chinese dragons.    


Pavlovsk Palace once happened to be the summer residence of the King Paul I. The beautiful interiors of the palace are a work of several great architects who have ensured that every detailing only adds value to the beauty of the palace. Inside the palace is a cultural melting pot with a Greek Hall comprising of French furnishings, Egyptian Vestibule and the Italian Hall. Visitors who come here for sightseeing can relax in the serene palace gardens located here where Strauss gave a performance with his orchestra. Gardens here offer several pavilions such as the Colonnade of Apollo, the Temple of Friendship, the Dairy Farm, the Pavilion of the Three Graces or the Rose Pavilion.    

Travel and Romance

On a winter night, if you take an overnight train from Moscow to St Petersburg, you’ll experience a phenomenal romantic journey. During the colder season, the train moves sleepily through the snow falling outside as it pulls out of the capital. The train will take you through the suburbs into the silent forests. Your arrival in the St Petersburg will be a special moment in itself given the gilded spires, ornate museums and the beautiful River Neva. So plan a holiday to St Petersburg and immerse yourself in romance.  


If the day in St Petersburg belongs to the palaces, museums and parks, then the night time must be spent enjoying the nightlife that the city presents. Bars here serve you with quality alcohol, vibrant atmosphere and world class service. The licencing policy of the bars here is usually liberal and visitors can enjoy till the early hours of the morning. You can head to Khroniki for the finest cocktail or Redrum for some local crafted beer.

Canal Cruises

St Petersburg is proudly known as the ‘Venice of the North.’ Ever pondered why? The criss crossed canals are the reason behind it! For people who come to St Petersburg on a summer tour must definitely spare some time for a relaxing canal cruise taking you through the heart of the city. This cruise will present to you innumerable photo opportunities when you sail through the photogenic bridges or pass through the notable landmarks here.  

White Nights and the Midnight Sun

St Petersburg is the world’s Northernmost large city. The white nights which you experience here in the peak of the summer are wondrous. It happens when the Artic sun stays out for late and never really sets. In order to experience the sheer splendour of the polar nights, you must plan your trip between mid-June and early July. During that period, you can also attend the St Petersburg White Nights Festival which is an annual international arts festival. This festival is known for its night long celebration. 

You can tour the entire city by the river:

Yes, it is very much possible! However, the only little sacrifice that you may have to pay when trying to tour the city by boat is the biting cold outside. But, since it will be an experience worthwhile, you have no reason to miss it. Cruise the Neva River which will take you around some of the most attractive monuments that shaped the identity of the city.

Morning coffee by the river could be your best coffee experience:

In the garden located adjacent to the Saviour of the Blood Cathedral, you’ll come across an archaic looking café. Facing the river, enjoying a cup of coffee here with some snacks will indeed going to be your one prime romantic way to start a morning in the city. Do try out the marshmallows here.

Prayer time at the Kazan Cathedral:

When you are in St. Petersburg, you must definitely make a visit to the Kazan Cathedral. You must however, plan your visit in such a manner that it coincides with the prayer time of the cathedral. Entry to the cathedral is free. Prayer time is in the evening so, mark your holiday calendar accordingly.

Watch the bridges shut at night:

This is not going to be anything extraordinary for the frequent travelers however if you are visiting St. Petersburg for the first time, catching a glimpse of the bridges shutting out at the night is going to be a sight in itself.  St. Petersburg is indeed a beauty at night. During this time, all the buildings and the monuments are very well lit up. Adding to the glory, the bridges here shut down every night between 1:00 AM to 2:00 AM. In case you are traveling in any of those white nights, it is recommended for you to park yourself at one of the nearby cafes from where you can enjoy the view of the bridge just when the city comes together for a celebration. The scene here is too festive to miss out. Catching the bridges shut down is a great activity to do in St. Petersburg. 

Recommended reads for destination (govt. websites, travel forum articles)?

St Petersburg Reviews

Marut Dwivedi
Reviewed: 03 Jul 2020
We had a really good experience visiting Russia. The places is extremely good and worth visiting also our tour guide was really cooperative and friendly and also the team behind for their assistance.

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