Fushimi Inari Taisha, located in Kyoto, Japan, is a renowned Shinto shrine dedicated to Inari, the deity of rice, fertility, and prosperity. Established in 711 AD, the shrine is famous for its striking vermilion torii gates that form the Senbon Torii, a pathway leading up the wooded slopes of Mount Inari. Each torii gate is donated by individuals and businesses, bearing inscriptions reflecting their gratitude to Inari.
The Fushimi Inari Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in southern Kyoto and is known for its torii gates. There are more than 1000 gates that create a trail and lead to the main buildings. This temple is a part of the sacred Mount Inari, which is also a part of the shrine and the temple. This temple is more than 1000 years old and is dedicated to Inari- the Shinto god of rice. Foxes roam around this temple and this temple is more than 1000 years old.
A majority of the tourists visiting this place usually go to the mountain trails. However, many miss out on visiting the shrine, which is also worth visiting. Behind the main hall of the shrine is the deity where visitors can make an offering and pay their respects. The torii gates are lined up to create a path to a hiking trail and were built through donations from individuals and corporations.
• Make an offering at the main shrine of the temple by following the set of procedures.
• Check out the main shinto gate at the main entrance of the temple and marvel at the architecture
• Take a look at the numerous fox statues that are installed to bring in prosperity and good health.
• Trek the path of torii gates and for the best pictures of you with the iconic torii gates.
• Shop for souvenirs like good luck charms from the shops located outside the temple.
1. By Car: The Shinto Shrine of Fushimi Inari is 23 km from the city centre, it will take 7 min via the Route number 201.
2. By Train/ metro: Take a train to Inari station which is 1 metre away from the Shinto Shrine of Fushimi Inari. You can reach the Shinto Shrine of Fushimi Inari from the train station with a one-minute walk.
Shinto Shrine of Fushimi Inari is open throughout the year, so you can plan your visit to this place at any time of the year.
1. The best season to visit Shinto Shrine of Fushimi Inari will be the summer season from March to June because this is the time when the climate is pleasant.
2. The best day in the week will be the weekdays due to less crowds regardless of any time of the year.
3. The best time of the day to visit the Shinto Shrine of Fushimi Inari will be morning due to less crowds and a favourable temperature.
In this temple, you will find a lot of T shaped vermillion coloured gates. The locals believe that it separated the sacred world from the material world. These kinds of torii gates are more available in shinto temples and are usually made from wood. Locals believe that the red colour of the torii gates helps in keeping evil spirits away and preserve the wood in the long run. When entering the main torii gate, make sure you bow before you enter.
In the temple, you will find a lot of fox statues and they are believed to be the messengers of Inari Okami. The fox statues usually have a ball in their mouth and also carry a scroll and key. These fox statues are believed to be symbols of good luck and protect the place from evil spirits. You are also more likely to find a lot of foxes in the temple premises, but do not worry because they won’t hurt you.