Royal Trek Overview
A short trek that follows a shrub like path, Royal Trek is all about rediscovering the beauty of nature. The trek is called Royal Trek as the trail was explored by Prince Charles of United Kingdom in the early 80s. The place offers meaningful opportunities for discovering a diverse mix of peoples and culture that live in this region.

Highlights:The eloquent beauty of this trek and the stunning Gurung hamlets are the Highlights of this trek. The true picture of unique Nepal beauty is visible through the place. Compared to other treks in the region, this trekking trail is relatively uncrowded and recommended for beginners.

: Pokhara.

Things to keep in mind
:This particular trek doesn’t require a high level of professional trekking equipment. However, you should carry warm socks, fleece jackets and wind-protecting equipment with trekking poles to walk easily through the trail.
A short trek that follows a shrub like path, Royal Trek is all about rediscovering the beauty of nature. The trek is called Royal Trek as the trail was explored by Prince Charles of United Kingdom in the early 80s. The place offers meaningful opportunities for discovering a diverse mix of peoples and culture that live in this region.

Highlights:The eloquent beauty of this trek and the stunning Gurung hamlets are the Highlights of this trek. The true picture of unique Nepal beauty is visible through the place. Compared to other treks in the region, this trekking trail is relatively uncrowded and recommended for beginners.

: Pokhara.

Things to keep in mind
:This particular trek doesn’t require a high level of professional trekking equipment. However, you should carry warm socks, fleece jackets and wind-protecting equipment with trekking poles to walk easily through the trail.
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